Collaboration with other organisations aids the science of breeding
Refining the science is always at the forefront of what is done here. If breakthoughs in breeding can be atcheived through collobaration with other organisation this helps the science and discovery become available to others with similar aims to ours.
The Centre has perfiected the freezing of eagle semen, in partnership with Dr Graham Wishart of the University of Abertay Dundee. This produced the worlds first eaglet bred using frozen semen.
This centre has worked with many other oraganisations and universities to futher the knowlege and understanding of many species of raptor.

​University of Abertay Dundee
Perfecting the successful freezing of eagle semen, which resulted in the world first breeding of an eagle using frozen semen
University of Abertay Dundee
Studying the detection of human fingerprints or DNA on eagle feathers to aid wildlife crime.
University of Nottingham
Using feathers to determine bird of prey DNA as a non invasive alternative to blood testing
Avian Biotech, Edinburgh
Aiding in the perfecton of mouth swabbing to determine DNA sex profile as a non invaisive alternative to blood testing.
University of Nottingham
Studying the detection of human fingerprints or DNA on eagle eggs to aid wildlife crime.
Aquila Foundation, Spain
Collaboration on sharing data on Artificial Insemination and various diluents and extenders
G.R.E.F.A. - Spain
Collaboration on incubation techniques.
Golden Eagle Trust - Ireland
Advice given on the incubation and rearing of golden eagles.
Natural Research - Scotland, Aquila Foundation - Spain
Study on the immunology of eagle saliva and possible pro-biotic for eagles